Chuck When Does Ellie Find Out Chuck Is Spying Again

SPOILER WARNING: If y'all fancy watching Chuck fresh, information technology might be worth giving this article a miss for now, every bit it is full of spoilers. Experience free to come back once you accept watched it though!

I'grand crap at watching Television set. Not the act of sitting downwards, snacks in paw, and enjoying a good programme, that bit'south easy. I do discover it tricky to sit myself in the chair the aforementioned time each week to keep up with a serial, though.

The DVD box-fix is therefore a big friend of mine. I have discovered many of my favourite shows – The Wire, 24, Mad Men, Misfits – a while after they originally aired. Property its head high among those is Chuck. I accept to confess to my ignorance and acknowledge I knew very little almost the show when I saw the first two seasons on the shelf of HMV for £15. I took a punt on it, and I am very glad I did.

I stumbled beyond a funny, action-packed prove about an archetypal nether-achiever, whose world is turned upside down when the Government's top supercomputer is downloaded into his brain.

The premise of Chuck sounds one-notation, but the show has strong characters and a not bad alloy of drama and comedy. Information technology fought against cancellation throughout its run, and the fact it lasted 5 series is a smashing credit to the writers, actors, and team behind it.

Chuck ebbed and flowed in quality, but even at its depression points – which were still good, I would argue – it was total of fantastic moments. Throughout its run from start to finish, episodes and plotlines were punctuated with satisfying resolutions for characters, delightful comedic highlights, and heady action set pieces. You lot proper name it, Chuck probably has information technology.

Here and so, in chronological lodge, are its x best moments…

Chuck meets Sarah (Series 1, Episode 1, 'Pilot')

Every great dearest story has to begin somewhere. For Romeo and Juliet, it was the Capulet Ball. For Anthony and Cleopatra, it was Egypt. For Chuck Batowski and Sarah Walker, it was the Burbank Buy More than.

Information technology's the day after Chuck'south altogether. It seems pretty much like any other mean solar day, except for Chuck has unknowingly but downloaded the U.s.a. Government'due south top supercomputer, the Intersect, into his encephalon. Enter Sarah Walker, blonde bombshell and sexy super spy for the CIA. She enters the Buy More than posing equally a customer with a faulty phone, getting Chuck to fix it. When faced with a pretty girl, he's hardly suave. He drops his own phone, he references Batman and points out the finer aspects of being a nerd rather than a geek. He does show his sweet side even so, when he helps a confused father film his immature daughter performing ballet. Sarah is intrigued past his soft, caring side, going above and beyond his lowly Nerd Herd duties to comfort the young girl.

Zachary Levi shows off both his comedic skills and Chuck'southward sensitive side really well in this scene, encompassing all that Sarah somewhen comes to love about him. His chemistry with Joshua Gomez as Morgan is already in place, equally is his attraction to Sarah. Can you arraign him? Plus, beatboxing almost Vicki Vale has got to be a winner.

Jeffster! is born (Series two, Episode thirteen, 'Chuck versus the All-time Friend')

Chuck was a bully show for balancing action, humour and touching character-driven storylines. It once again confidently trod that fine line with the birth of 'Jeffster!'.

Having found out that Chuck's sister Ellie and Captain Crawly, aka Devon, are looking for a wedding ring, Chuck's Buy More colleagues Jeff and Lester put themselves forward. They ultimately secure an audition from a reluctant Helm Awesome. Their song of choice? Toto'due south Africa, and they rock it hard. They completely suck, but they rock hard. Jeffster had many (perhaps also many) moments throughout the show's remaining seasons, merely this is their highlight for me.

This is a not bad moment for then many of the characters, not just Jeff and Lester. Chuck gets to quietly let Sarah know how much he cares for her, Morgan proudly declares how much he likes Anna, and Captain Crawly shows how awesome he is by assuasive Jeffster to have their moment in the sun.

Toto kicking a lot of donkey, too.

Chuck and Sarah go it on (Series 2, Episode 21, 'Chuck versus the Colonel')

The title of this entry makes information technology audio more pervy than it is meant to. In reality, it'due south one of Chuck'south sweetest and most tender moments. Sarah and Chuck are on the lam from the government, having gone on the run to track down Stephen Bartowski, Chuck's dad. The sexual chemistry between the two continues to bubble nether as they share a hotel room together. At this point, that tension has been building for ii seasons.

This wonderful scene brings all that to a crescendo. As they slowly awaken from their slumber in each other's arms, their fingers intertwine. They share a momentary glance before, finally, they kiss. They've kissed before, but this time it is for real. Not only satisfying in terms of payoff, the music, performance and direction add to the romance of the scene. This moment is laced with comedy as well, as Chuck discovers he has no condoms, cheers to Morgan.

'I'm gonna kill you, Morgan.' Tin can't say I arraign you, Chuck.

'Guys… I know Kung-Fu.' (Series 2, Episode 22, 'Chuck versus The Ring')

Romance is in the air at Ellie and Helm Awesome'south wedding. With Sarah evidently nigh to confess her feelings for our leading man Chuck, the proverbial plop hits the fan. Chuck'south college roommate and Sarah's old flame, super spy Bryce Larkin, is kidnapped by The Ring, a corrupt spy organisation hell-bent on obtaining its own Intersect.

Our three heroes blitz from the wedding to salvage Bryce from the nefarious Ring operatives. Chuck ends up locked in the Intersect room with a dying Bryce, who begs Chuck to destroy the Intersect 2.0 before The Ring can get their easily on information technology. Naturally, Chuck ignores him, and reluctantly uploads the Intersect ii.0 into his own listen before destroying the hardware. The Ring agents finally break in, and are about to kill Sarah, Casey and Chuck.

The new Intersect is full of surprises though, and Chuck defends his friends with a whirlwind display of kung-fu, convincing the v Ring henchmen before unloading a can of whoop-donkey on each of them. Chuck has truly arrived as a kick-ass spy. The ensuing fight scene is brilliantly choreographed, fabricated all the improve for using Levi as much equally possible. The shut-quarters fist fighting is intense. The show may accept not had the biggest budget going, but fight scenes similar this are Chuck at its action-filled best.

Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) and Casey (Adam Baldwin) play their function wonderfully, providing the comic relief through their exasperation at Chuck's antics. Casey grunts a lot during the bear witness, merely his 'Uh?' at the cease of this fight scene is absolutely priceless.

Sprinkle a Matrix reference on the top, and yous haveChuck gold dust.

Morgan finally finds out (Serial 3, Episode nine, 'Chuck versus The Beard')

Throughout the before seasons, Chuck fought an ongoing battle to hide his spy life from his friends and family. Among those he plant it hardest to keep his secret from was Morgan. Chuck's nerd of a best friend his whole life, more than anyone else, Morgan anchors Chuck to the existent world. They share pretty much everything.

The tension caused by Chuck's secrecy has go so bad that Morgan 'fires' Chuck every bit his best friend. So when they confront an impending expiry, Chuck finally reveals his surreptitious. Does Morgan react with anger at the news? "My all-time friend is a spy…? This is unbelievable, this is the best news I've ever heard!".

Chuck finally gets the monkey off his back, and ane of his nearest and dearest is finally in on his hush-hush. Morgan'south reaction is completely in grapheme, and he is full of questions. Chuck is momentarily stunned into silence with relief before spilling the beans. Awesome.

Chuck shoots Shaw (Serial three, Episode 13, 'Chuck versus the Other Guy')

Chuck made a thing of using guest stars from Tv set and picture show franchises, to varying effect. I'll go on to two of my other favourite stars later, but Brandon Routh from Superman Returns has to count equally one of the about finer used of those guest stars. Routh plays Daniel Shaw, an exemplary agent working with Team Bartowski to bring down The Band. His motivation for bringing out The Ring is driven past his demand to avenge his married woman Evelyn, plainly murdered past a Ring operative.

Upon discovering that Sarah shot Evelyn every bit part of her 'red exam', a spy'due south showtime impale, Shaw breaks. He aligns himself with The Ring, abducts and drugs Sarah, and takes her to the place where she shot Evelyn. Consumed by his grief, Shaw informs a paralysed Sarah of his intention to kill her. Chuck catches them up and pleads for Sarah's life. The utilise of flashbacks here is brilliant, every bit is the accompanying music. The soft piano and ghostly vocals of Kettering by The Antlers offers the moment a haunting quality.

A spy who detests guns, Chuck finally pulls the trigger on Shaw when left with no other option. The implications for Chuck, who knows that Sarah loves him for his pacifism, are thrown to one side as he saves her life and his own by shooting Shaw. Shaw's admission that he won't reveal Chuck's secrets to the Ring shows he yet has a moral code. It makes the moment all the more tragic. Daniel Shaw, a noble agent fallen from grace, driven past his crippling grief.

I practise kind of wish he had stayed dead after this, though.

Shaw shoots Stephen Bartowski (Series 3, Episode eighteen, 'Chuck versus the Subway')

Alongside Brandon Routh, Scott Bakula of Breakthrough Leap and Star Expedition: Enterprise fame ranks up in that location equally one of the show's best invitee stars. Not my favourite (I'm getting to information technology!) but up there.

The road for Bakula's Stephen Bartowski and his children Chuck and Ellie was never shine, having a complicated relationship with the pair of them. Just equally things kickoff to settle downwards though, a vengeful Shaw returns to shoot Stephen, and cripple Chuck's ability to use the Intersect.

Wonderfully acted by Levi, Bakula, and Sarah Lancaster, it is a tragic scene that proves the show had the adequacy to carry off heavy drama alongside the secret amanuensis hello-jinx and laughter. Much equally Evelyn Shaw's decease becomes a driving motivation for Shaw, Chuck finds himself driven to keep saving the globe in his father'due south memory.

Casey'due south Couch Lock (Series 4, Episode 5, 'Chuck versus the Couch Lock')

Writing about this moment, I had non realised quite how little I have mentioned Casey in this commodity. Appalling really, considering his contribution to the show. Somewhere forth the line, the writers saw fit to pair upwards nerdy loser Morgan with everyone's favourite gruff NSA badass. The consequence? Many of Chuck's funniest moments, including this one.

Casey is nether the influence of paralysis-inducing drugs as part of a mission. Upon medical advice from Captain Awesome, Morgan has to anger or surprise Casey to go him out of his paralysed land. Reluctantly, Morgan reveals to the globe'southward scariest over-protective male parent that he is dating Casey'southward daughter, Alex.

Joshua Gomez hits a dwelling house-run with his fearful delivery as he reveals all, goading Casey into coming out of his 'couch-lock'. Adam Baldwin is predictably crawly, slowly arousing back to life earlier exploding out of his 'burrow lock' into a choke-hold on helpless Morgan.

The escalation of the scene, the employ of close-ups, the satanic music as Casey shows signs of life, and Adam Baldwin's trademark grunts only add to the hilarity.

Chuck thwarts Volkoff (Series four, episode 13, 'Chuck versus the Push Mix')

Some people may debate Brandon Routh or Scott Bakula was Chuck's best guest star. For me though, in that location is simply ane choice: Timothy Dalton.

Throughout the fourth series he starred as Alexei Volkoff, international arms dealer and the caput of criminal organisation, Volkoff Industries. Later on in the series we find out that Volkoff is in fact Harvey Winterbottom, a mild-mannered colleague of Stephen Bartowski whose listen was corrupted by a flawed Intersect upload.

Though as Volkoff, Dalton plays a stone cold psychopath, infatuated with Chuck's mother Mary. As Chuck and Sarah close in on Volkoff'due south information network, Hydra, Volkoff tracks down Stephen Bartowski's motel, thinking him to all the same be alive and finds Chuck waiting for him. After a scintillating verbal sparring match, Chuck tricks Volkoff into speaking the words that requite access to Hydra.

The scene is a wonderful culmination of a long-running arc, performed by two supremely talented actors. Stephen Bartowski's posthumous interest in the takedown of Volkoff is the bloodshot icing on a very sweet cake. The gradual reveal of Chuck'due south plan throughout the scene is wonderfully realised, and a attestation to the show's nifty writing.

The proposal (Series 4, episode 13, 'Chuck versus the Button Mix')

Ii moments from the same episode, I hear you cry? Well when series co-creator Josh Schwartz boasted that this episode ends with the "best ten minutes in the show'southward history", he was correct.

Throughout the fourth serial, Chuck has been trying to find the perfect way to propose to Sarah. He finds it in i of the about unexpected places. Volkoff is thwarted. Ellie is having her baby, and Chuck rushes to the hospital via helicopter to be there for his sis. As baby Clara Woodcomb joins the world, Sarah and Chuck sit patiently in the waiting room. Gazing into her optics, he rises to his anxiety, presents the ring box to Sarah and drops to one knee.

Set to the background hum of a floor waxer, they comprehend and kiss. Nosotros hear no words being said, and the episode fades to blackness. Chuck often did a great job of mixing the flatulent prepare pieces and the smaller, placidity moments, giving those quiet moments a greater bear on.

Afterward the excitement of taking down Volkoff, this is a perfect way for the episode to terminate. Chuck remained pretty good until the end of the fifth series, but it never reached these heights over again.

Honourable mentions: Series ane, 'Pilot', Chuck uses a porn virus to defuse a flop; Serial iii, 'Chuck versus the American Hero', Shaw learns the truth about his wife'southward decease; Serial iv, 'Chuck versus the First Fight', Tuttle'due south true identity is revealed;  Series 5, 'Chuck versus the Farewell', Chuck and Sarah sit together on the beach.

If that isn't plenty Chuck-related goodness for you, take a await at the ten reasons we loved Chuck, here.


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