Free State Social Work Continuing Education
Free CEUs for Social Workers
The CME & Contact Hours You Need Today for SW License Renewal
| We are proud to sponsor this educational initiative, dedicated to providingFree Social Worker CE, PDH & CEUs required by many state boards forSocial Work, SW, LCSW, MSW, MFT, & MH Counselors license renewal. NewFree Social Work CEU coursesare posted frequently. Through extensive content review, our staff approvesSocial Worker CEU courses that are timely and approved by theNAADC, NASW, ASWB, EACC & others..** |
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1.5 Free CEUsDiabetes and Fall Risk: Special Considerations in Improving Quality of Life for Older Adults– Identify the problem: review demographics of diabetes and falls in older adults. Discuss the medical and psychosocial complications of diabetes. Review evidenced based preventive care for older adults. Emphasize the critical importance of geriatric syndrome' identification and management. Present the literature review of increased risk of falls in people with diabetes. Discuss diabetes management with special considerations for older adults. Discuss fall prevention strategies. Identify partnerships for management of fall risk for people with diabetes: focus on patient self-management. |
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Featured Free CME of the Month
1.0 Free CEUsIntro to Goals, Clinical Concerns, and Opportunities In Behavioral Health Managed Care : It's Not Your Grandpa's Chevy'–Understanding the Scope and Impact of the Health Care Reform Movement Toward a Managed System of Care. Introduction to Clinical Concerns and Opportunities for Behavioral Health Professionals under a Managed System of Care. Understanding the Concept of Care Management and Utilization Review – It's a 'Medical Model' – even if we are delivering short term counseling which is typically not considered to be "medical" in nature. It's important to understand that Care Management is a PHILOSOPHY which approaches approval for behavioral health services in a whole new way, and required justification from those who deliver services which surpasses that which was required in the past. Identify Clinical Approaches and Intervention Programs Which Are Workable and Appropriate Under a Managed System of Care. |
2.0 Free CEUsDepression In Mothers-Discuss the signs of depression in mothers. Enumerate the ways to help improve a mother's mood. Explain how a mother's depression can cause problems for a baby's development. Investigate the treatment methods that depression responds well to. Examine what should be done in an emergency situation. Identify the characteristics providers must have in order to have a strong referral system. Describe how home visiting programs and WIC support the mother's and child's mental, emotional, and physical health.
1.5 Free CEUsFamily as the Client-
Identify how the trauma responses to flight, fight and freeze become acted out in the family impacted by addiction. Describe framework to assist family in grasping the concept of powerlessness. Identify a variety of strategic interventions for use with family members in primary treatment.
1.0 Free CEUsDepression: Building a Foundation for Care–Advocacy: Identify why and how social workers can advocate to improve care. Therapeutic Relationship: Describe essential components of the therapeutic relationship. Cognitive Theory Approaches: Identify key components of cognitive theory and symptom targeted intervention. Psychoeducation: Identify psychoeducation principles to apply in your practice.
1.0 Free CEUsADHD and Comorbidity: Bipolar Disorder, Depression and ADHD-Describe how symptoms of ADHD may be present in other psychiatric disorders, such as bipolar disorder, and that such comorbidities warrant an initial therapeutic strategy based on the most impairing condition.Recognize that most children and adults with ADHD also have a comorbid psychiatric condition. Explain the need for international guidelines for treating depression using the most effective therapeutic agents indicated for that disorder. Extrapolate adverse childhood experiences to both psychiatric and somatic abnormalities in later life and understand that, by identifying the occurrence of such experiences, the sequelae of these incidents can be controlled and/or minimized. |
Sponsored bySAMHSA (Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration)
Each module is worth one CEU credit- 5 Free CEUs Total. Register for the Series
Homelessness 101: Basic facts and figures on homelessness, including discussion of causes and individual and societal risk factors for persons becoming homeless.
Strategic Practices: Evidenced based and promising community based practices that can help end homelessness.
Partnering and Planning: Strategic partnering and planning strategies to leverage community resources to meet the needs of persons who are homeless.
Financing: Tips on how to finance services for persons who are homeless.
Evaluation: Overview of evaluation strategies to see if your program is having the desired impact in ending chronic homelessness.
3 .0 Free Ethics CEUs Complex Ethical Challenges in Social Work Management and Administration Self-Study-Understand compelling ethical dilemmas in social work management and administrationUnderstand ethical challenges related to confidentiality policies and protocols (including the implications of digital technology). Understand ethical challenges related to dual relationship and conflict-of-interest policies and protocols. Understand ethical challenges associated with allocating limited resources. Understand strategies to address employee impairment and ethical misconduct. Understand core ethical analysis concepts. Be able to apply ethical decision-making frameworks. Be able to identify ethics-related risks that lead to ethics complaints and litigation. Be able to apply risk-management strategies to prevent ethics complaints and litigation. Register or Log in to take course (course is on pg 6 of course list)
1.5 Free CEUs
List the bio/psycho/social components present in a whole-person approach to treatment and recovery from eating disorders. Explain the changes to criteria between the DSM-IV-TR and the DSM-V for Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder. List seven common spiritual issues of an eating disorder patient, as well as analyze the ten false beliefs held by eating disorder patients that hinder a spiritual connection in treatment and recovery. (+RD)
2.0 Free CEUsIntroduction to Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy © – Define reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (RSDS). Identify the three stages of RSDS and manifestations of each stage. Outline treatment and nursing care priorities for a patient with RSDS. Identify the 6 potential directions for basic and clinical research on new treatment strategies.
2.0 Free CEUs Nutrition Support At End of Life-
Describe the hierarchy of ethical principles relevant to healthcare. Identify factors that can affect continuing or discontinuing nutrition support care at end of life. Explain the need for informed consent for the patient and/or family regarding nutrition support at end of life.(+RD, CCM)
3.0 Free CEUsEthics & Boundary Issues – Topics include: Ethics vs. Law. Confidentiality. Mandated Reporting. HIPAA. Advertising Professional Services. Duty to Protect. Achieving and Maintaining Competence. Cultural Competence. Informed Consent. Multiple or Non-Sexual Dual Relationships. Sexual Relationships with Clients. Demo familiarity with the limits of confidentiality, the concept of a mandated reporter, the concept of informed consent, & duty to warn laws.
1.75 Free CEUsChildhood Trauma and Toxic Stress– Compare toxic stress with other types of stress response.Specify one way toxic stress can impact a child over his or her lifespan. Interpret the role of the provider in addressing toxic stress. Distinguish between the two types of trauma screening questions. Interpret one ethical guideline for deciding whether to report suspected abuse or neglect. Establish one way a provider can help families understand trauma and its impact. Specify the definition of culturally sensitive trauma-informed care. Identify one way a provider can create a trauma-sensitive practice environment. Determine one resource developed to help families cope with a child suffering from trauma.
1.0 Free CEUsONE free course-choose from the following:(1) 10 Ways Practitioners Can Avoid Frequent Ethical Pitfalls. (2) 21 Ethical Fallacies: Cognitive Strategies To Justify Unethical Behavior and Ethics, Critical Thinking, and Language (3) Psychologists Use of E-mail with Clients: Some Ethical Considerations; (4) Comparison of DSM-IV vs. Proposed DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Eating Disorders: Reduction of EDNOS and Validity; (5)Diet and Physical Activity in Women Recovered from Anorexia Nervosa A Pilot Study
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